Two weeks ago, I had a major hissy fit with myself fitness and dietary-wise. During the last week if October, in terms of diet, I purposefully ate large quantities of Halloween candy and Earth Balance slathered whole wheat toast, and lots of apples and bananas. I am not even sure that I made a proper dinner that week. Fortunately I had the maternal instinct to feed my little guys sensible and nutritious food even it I did not for myself. As for my workouts', and the challenge I did 20 minutes of the 1 hour 15 minute workout on that Monday and did not do another thing until Friday when I took the boys for a 40 minute walk. I just did not want to put any effort into what I was feeding my body and strengthening my body. This happens and it is not the end of the world, it just makes for some low energy levels and constipation. I saw this meme on one day and saved it because it is so very true. For example: puffy belly- too much sugar and wheat in your diet.
That next Monday, I added back fruit and greens smoothies and made a homemade red lentil and butternut squash soup that is so dreamy and scrumptious that I will be making again very soon. Around Thursday as if to rebel again I bought ice cream, chocolate cookies, tortilla chips, a bag of frozen French fries, and candy bars. This is me is full food rebellion stage. I KNOW my body needs greens, fruits, legumes, seeds, and filling starches for optimal performance. the problem is I am a little afraid to give up those sweets and treats again. I was not miserable without them, I am miserable with them. This past Sunday my dietary habits began returning back to normalcy and today I am back into full fledge plant -strong vegan meals and snacks. The game plan this Friday is to make a giant soup full of vegetables, a pan of roasted vegetaes, and black bean, quinoa, sweet potato patties. Along with a fruit and vegetable smoothie and a lovely bowl of oatmeal or chia pudding I should've go off the dietary deep end.
A wonderful romaine salad I had with roasted sweet potato, broccoli, cauliflower, and almond butter Thai dressing.
Indian chickpea flour and vegetable pancakes with steamed green and onions. This looks messy but was so delicious.
Those pictures hopefully with remind me of the nourishing and energy giving power whole foods have for me.
Here's to staying consistent with healthy eating habits and exercise!